Start with TRUTH
God is sovereign over all creation. He alone sustains life, and he knows the end from the beginning of life. He is the Alfa and Omega. He is loving and merciful. The Almighty omniscient God Creator of humanity has given the greatest power on earth to mankind. . . freedom of FREE WILL; to think the way God wants you to think. Your mind is the control center for how we choose to live our lives. Critical thinking about lifetime decisions may or may not cause us to want a relationship with Jesus Christ. When facing daily, worldly-driven thoughts that take control of how we think; may differ from God’s command to Set our minds on things above (heavenly things) and not below. We should certainly count the cost for where we are; and where we go from here. It is written, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
NOW! Is the time to think about where you are and where you are going from here?- Don't surround yourself with ungodly influences as best you can.
NOW! Is the time to think about where you are and where you are going from here?- Don't surround yourself with ungodly influences as best you can.
Refections You Will Explore
We plant a thought and reap an action.
1. Where will your thoughts lead you?
2. Will your thoughts get you where you want to go?
3. Are your thoughts Scripturally acceptable?
4. Ask yourself, will your thoughts build you up or tear you down?
5. Could you share your thoughts with somebody else and influence them to Jesus?
6. What was I doing or thinking that originated these thoughts?
7. Do I feel guilty thinking these thoughts?
8. Do these thoughts fit who I am as a follower of Jesus Christ, a child of God?
2. Will your thoughts get you where you want to go?
3. Are your thoughts Scripturally acceptable?
4. Ask yourself, will your thoughts build you up or tear you down?
5. Could you share your thoughts with somebody else and influence them to Jesus?
6. What was I doing or thinking that originated these thoughts?
7. Do I feel guilty thinking these thoughts?
8. Do these thoughts fit who I am as a follower of Jesus Christ, a child of God?
* Exercise for Developing Right Thinking, Dr. Charles Stan

Don't surround yourself with ungodly influences as best you can.
LTM teachings will lead, guide, and inspire generations to come.
“I have studied the Bible along with the teachings of powerful gospel Preachers, Seminary Bible Scholars, and Evangelists. I examine myself by asking, “What does Jesus say about today’s subject matter? The answer to that question birthed this class session.” —Evelyn Peters-Washington
The Life Transforming Master Class community offers clarity in building confidence for Christ-like consciousness in the Will of God.
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✅ Global Zoom and/or Conference Call groups with Real People, Real Issues, finding Real Solutions from the Real Jesus!
✅ “Each-One, Reach-One” sharing life-changing, problem-solving prayers and testimonies.
✅ Virtual and Live Inspiring and Edifying Speakers’ Events.
Be ye transformed, in the convenience of your own time and place.
Summary Discussion
Be not conformed to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:2 KJV)
Early in my youth, I was in a dark space and time for my life. And I thank God now, for planting godly women and men who encouraged me to seek Jesus rather than to seek answers. I have come to learn that we need women and men of God around us especially during those times, who would show and teach us how to escape the authority of Darkness. I have learned we must not lean on our own understanding. Do not look for answers or explanations for why my experiences were repeatedly disappointing, unsafe, and unfulfilling. Hear me, my explanations were rooted and governed by the authority of Darkness. And I did not know better. All I knew, I was experiencing a war between right and wrong within me, which always showed me what I felt was right. But spiritually I came to witness that God is always right... I think what causes a person to go deeper into Darkness is when they are seeking answers rather than Jesus. Because your answers will start to explain things away and you will go deeper into darkness. You can end up living there. I was encouraged to seek Jesus rather than search for explanations.
I was encouraged to find the Way, the Truth, and the Life I now live to the full. FREE from sin, shame, and guilt. And now I want to encourage you to be free, so repeat after me, “Spirit of the Living Holy God, in Jesus’ name, by the power of his shed blood that redeemed me from being lost and fallen short of glory. I acknowledge your Will and plan for saving me for your name’ sake. Lord, help me to offer careful and persistent work that bears much fruit unto your glory. Guide my heart to forgive others as Christ has forgiven me. So that by the faith of the Son of God, I am compelled to serve you by serving others with the love you freely give to me. Holy Spirit, inspire me, to search the Word of God as a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. In Jesus' name. Amen.
I was encouraged to find the Way, the Truth, and the Life I now live to the full. FREE from sin, shame, and guilt. And now I want to encourage you to be free, so repeat after me, “Spirit of the Living Holy God, in Jesus’ name, by the power of his shed blood that redeemed me from being lost and fallen short of glory. I acknowledge your Will and plan for saving me for your name’ sake. Lord, help me to offer careful and persistent work that bears much fruit unto your glory. Guide my heart to forgive others as Christ has forgiven me. So that by the faith of the Son of God, I am compelled to serve you by serving others with the love you freely give to me. Holy Spirit, inspire me, to search the Word of God as a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. In Jesus' name. Amen.
*Workshop and study supplies may be purchased at the LOVE FOREVER online store
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DON’T DELAY! REGISTER TODAY. . . and explore how your fearfully and wonderfully made life is yours for the taking!!